Monday, March 10, 2014


Aren’t week-ends made for lazying around, having tea and endless discussions about life, and love, the future, and the show Revenge of course (I am so hooked)? Aren’t week-ends all about wearing no make-up, warm sweaters and big bun on the top of the head? Aren’t week-ends all about enjoying all sorts of yummy delicious food without ANY restrictions (just some little ones)? Week-ends to me are all about making a boycott at the bathroom, just because baths are a whole ritual and that there’s all this time in front to try half of the bathroom’s shelves of products. I am sure that somebody must have thought about all that before making a “week-end” a week-end. There should be a week-end glossary. Dibs on the idea. Don’t you dare stealing it.Kristina.Bazan.Barcelona.Mango.009
Our stay in Barcelona at the W hotel was all about that kind of mind set : warm and cozy. Chic but comfy. Enjoying some orange juice while having a look at the blue sky and the sea… Wearing nearly no make-up, little BB cream, touch of mascara and brow pencil… and there you got the perfect fresh look. Well, actually on me it’s not that perfect : I look like a tired n’ sad little bird. But I was very happy. How can you not be when you have a view like this one in front you?! Oh and the chignon, don’t even ask me how I did this… I just do a mess. There are two steps : roll and tie.
I am writing this article from Los Angeles, and I can tell you, our week-end here isn’t about staying in our hotel rooms wearing onesies, we got a packed up schedule! There are so many things I want to do, starting by working out. I mean, LA is all about that healthy lifestyle and I should definitely keep it up. But so far so good! I’ve been eating Kale almost three times a day everyday since I’m here. Soon my hair will turn green.
Also I am so curious about spa experiences in LA, if you guys have any good recommendation, please send it in! Top off the perfect week-end with a brunch (anywhere they serve soya chai lattes is good for me) and a long night of sleep : I am in heaven. Lately has been pretty hectic with all the meetings we tried to squeeze in during our lovely stay in California, it seems like we had so little leisure time to discover the city bit hey : I love that we have such a busy agenda. It’s so exciting. Enjoy guys, sending you all my love!!!
TOP : Mango
SHOES : Mango 
BAG : Chanel
EAR CUFF : Alex Mika (Similar Here)
PANTS : Mango 

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